
ROE is textile studio of Linda Retterová. With background in animation and illustration it's main focus has shifted towards experimental printing. Various techniques are used to create limited textile collections, zines and stationary. 
A simple handicraft approach is not only an alternative to the current textile industry, but also a principle determining the unmistakable style.

CONTACT: [email protected]


Atelier and showroom - Veverkova 31, Praha 7
Printing and Workshop Studio - Pernerova 50, Praha 8

LINKS: instagramfacebookvimeoatelier toust



CZECHDESIGN - Myslíkova 5, Prague 1 - clothing and accessories
TVORBA - Veverkova 28, Praha 7 - clothes and accessories
Xaoxax - Krymská 285, Praha 10 - books and accessories
Pragtique - Mostecká 20, Prague 1 - clothes and accessories
BENDOX - shop of DOX gallery, Poupětova 1, Prague 7 - art prints, books and acessories


Supalife Kiosk - Raumerstraße 40, Berlin - art prints, books and t-shirts
Neurotitan Shop & Gallery - Rosenthaler Str. 39, Berlin - art prints and books
Kuratiert - Reichenberger Str. 84, Berlin - clothes, accessories and art prints


Kolektiv 318 - Le Corbusier Housing Unit, Marseille, 3rd floor - notebooks